Facilities Central Office
Front Desk - Work-order Station
Main phone: 575-835-5533
Main Email: facmgmt@record-room.com
Normal workdays are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - noon and 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. The front office, located in the Facilities Management administrative complex due west from the Golf Course parking lot, is the hub for operations by way of work requests, emergencies and table-and-chair or vehicle rentals.
After hours, please call Campus Police at 835-5434. Campus Police has a stand-by list and can call Facilities Management personnel for emergencies such as lock-outs, floods and broken windows.
About the Front Desk:
Front Desk staff interfaces with the public as well as New Mexico Tech faculty, staff and students. They communicate with campus via email in regards to repairs, outages or campus issues that may occur. Facilities Management has four telephone lines and takes up to 250 phone calls a day. Currently we have two full-time Admin. Secretary positions reporting to the Purchasing Manager.
Front Desk duties include, but are not limited to, processing work requests via the online work order system on a daily basis, taking emergency work-order calls which are handled on a triage system and dispatching technicians accordingly, handling requests for vehicle rentals and table and chair rentals, distributing mail, filing and correspondence for the Director and other department staff, coordinate with vendors for campus pest control and other services.
Maintenance Services
Maintenance services include any work done to keep the building running and in good operating condition. Services are limited to maintaining existing structural, electrical and mechanical components. The following are examples of maintenance activities the Facilities Management performs at no cost to campus departments:
- Repairs to elevators, heating and cooling systems
- Repairing inoperable office light fixtures
- Replacing burned-out light bulbs in campus offices
- Repairing inoperable office electrical outlets
- Repairing office doors or locks
- Repainting an office, provided it has not been painted within the last five years
- Preventive maintenance to all major building components
- Custodial services - cleaning of restrooms, windows, carpets, hard floors, trash removal, etc.
For a maintenance issue in your building, please submit a work request via the SchoolDude
online system. The link can be found under forms on the main Facilities Management
page or use link below.
Helpful Hints - When submitting a form for the first time you will be asked to register as a SchoolDude
user. Here you will create a password that is specific for your user login. When
creating your first work request, do not click the box that says "Yes, remember my area entries". Doing this will cause problems
if you have to put in a request for work for a different location/building. The area
entries should always be for where the work needs to take place. Please include a
detailed description of the problem - the more details the better. When you go to
submit a work request it will ask you for a "submittal password". This is a different
password than your user login password. The submittal password is always "password"
all lower case.
Billable Work-order Requests
Given that Facilities Management funding is based on maintenance needs of the university's buildings and grounds, many services are not covered under maintenance, including building modification, and are billed back to the requesting departments. The following are just some examples of services that would fall under the "billable" category:
- Hanging bulletin boards, white boards and pictures
- Repairs made to furniture
- Key and lock changes
- Department/Name signage
- Office remodeling
- Running a new electrical outlet to accommodate new equipment
- Replacing standard office lights with specialty lighting
- Moving a door in an office from one wall to another
- Painting an office that is not due to be painted (less than five years since the last paint job)
- Installing/maintaining HVAC units for special equipment/server rooms.
Other Billable Services offered by Facilities Management include:
- Rental fleet usage
- Lube and oil services
- Bottled gas services
- Motor fuel services
- Table and chair rental
For a Billable Service in your building or with your vehicle, please submit a work request via the SchoolDude online system. See the section and link above. Since this is for billable work, please include your fund number in the description section of the form. If it is for a vehicle, remember to include the license plate number of the vehicle being serviced and where the vehicle is located.
Jade Lucero | Admin Secretary | 575-835-5533 | Facilities Management | 100 | facmgmt@record-room.com |
Admin Secretary | 575-835-5534 | Facilities Management | 100 |
Please direct any questions or concerns about the content of the Facilities Management's website to facmgmt@record-room.com