Business Office
Robby Montgomery, Director Facilities Management - Business
The Director works with the Supervisors and Managers to develop a budget for the entire Facilities Management operation based on fiscal year state appropriations and revenue from its customer base. Customers include Auxiliary Services, other campus entities, and non-university clients to a lesser degree.
The Director develops budget projections based on expenditures from each Facilities Management department. He meets personally with department supervisors and staff to see if they anticipate any significant increases in line-item expenditures. The Facilities Management Director determines staff needs, with percentages built into the budget itself.
Monthly financial reports are prepared and submitted to the Vice President for Administration and Finance, the Associate Vice President for Administration and Finance, and the Director of Budget and Analysis. The reports reflect work order income, expense levels, year-end projections, payroll entries and times and materials entries.
The Director also revises and updates department Policies and Procedures related to personnel issues.
All bills sent to university departments are cross-referenced to the work orders. Questions about the bills are fielded by the Director, Business.
The department provides draw-down funding on special state appropriations.
Some infrastructure funding is earmarked for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements campus-wide.
The office works with the Director of Purchasing on developing speculations for, and letting, certain bids.
The Facilities Management department also provides fuel service to all New Mexico Tech departments. Fuel and Bottled Gas inquiries should be directed to Cheri Lerew, Senior Accountant. Procedures for this service are listed separately.
Robby Montgomery | Director Facilities Management - Business | 575-835-5816 | Facilities Management | 113 | robby.montgomery@record-room.com |
Cheri Lerew | Senior Accountant | 575-835-6196 | Facilities Management | 114 | cheri.lerew@record-room.com |
Sandra Gonzales | Accounting Technician - Payroll | 575-835-6777 | Facilities Management | 101 | sandra.gonzales@record-room.com |