Ph.D. Biology, 1983 University of New Mexico
M.S. Biology, 1978 New Mexico Highlands University
B.A. Biology, 1973 Carleton College
08/16 -- Present: Director, Biotechnology Ph.D. Program
08/93 -- Present: Professor, Department of Biology, New Mexico Tech
07/04 -- 06/11: Chairman, Department of Biology, New Mexico Tech
08/01 -- 12/01: Associate Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Students
(Acting), New Mexico Tech
02/98 -- 08-01: Associate Vice-President for Research, New Mexico Tech
07/91 -- 02/98: Chairman, Department of Biology, New Mexico Tech
01/97 -- 12/97: Fellow, Associated Western Universities (Sabbatical Leave), Earth
and Environmental Sciences Center, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland,
WA 99352
03/89 -- 08/93: Associate Professor, Department of Biology, New Mexico Tech
08/85 -- 03/89: Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, New Mexico Tech
09/83 -- 08/85: Visiting Assistant Research Microbiologist, Department of Plant and
Soil Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720
08/82 -- 09/83: Assistant Professor, Division of Science and Mathematics, New Mexico
Highlands University, Las Vegas, NM 87701
06/81 -- 08/82: Assistant Curator, Museum of Southwestern Biology, Department of Biology,
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131
08/80 -- 05/81: Teaching Assistant, Biology Department, University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, NM 87131
10/78 -- 08/80: Laboratory Scientist, Serology Department, Scientific Laboratory Division,
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Publication List
- Suzuki, Y., M. Koduka, F.E. Brenker, T. Brooks, M. Glamoclija, H.V. Graham, T.L. Kieft, F.M. McCubbin, M.A. Sephton, M.A. van Zuilen. 2025. Submicron-scale detection of microbes and smectite from the interior of a Mars-analogue basalt sample by optical-photothermal infrared spectroscopy. International Journal of Astrobiology. 2025;24:e1. http://doi.org/10.1017/S1473550425000011
Ulbrich, J., N.E. Jobe, D.S. Jones, T.L. Kieft. Cave pools in Carlsbad Caverns National Park contain diverse bacteriophage communities and novel viral sequences. Microbial Ecology 87:163. http://doi.org/10.1007/s00248-024-02479-9
- Nisson, D.M., T.L. Kieft, J. Castillo, S.M. Perl, T.C. Onstott. 2024. Radiolytic support for oxidative metabolism in an ancient subsurface brine system. ISME Communications. 24:ycae138. http://doi.org/10.1093/ismeco/ycae138
- Nisson D.M., Kieft T.L., Drake H., Warr O., Sherwood Lollar B., Ogasawara H., Perl S.M., Friefeld B.M., Castillo J., Whitehouse M.J., Kooijman E., Onstott T.C.. 2023. Hydrogeochemical and isotopic signatures elucidate deep subsurface hypersaline brine formation through radiolysis driven water rock interaction. Geochimics Cosmochimica Acta. 340:6584. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2022.11.015
- Nisson, D.M., C.C. Walters, M. Chacón-Patiño, C.R. Weisbrod, T.L. Kieft, B. Sherwood Lollar, O. Warr, J. Castillo, S.M. Perl, E.D. Cason, B.M. Freifeld, T.C. Onstott. Radiolytically reworked Archean organic matter enables life in physiologically challenging deep ancient and thermal brine. Nature Communications 14:6163. http://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-41900-8
- Kieft, T.L., D. Del Curto, D., Z. Havlena, E. Hettiarachchi, I. Lakis, E. Nourse.
C. Skaar, J. Ulbrich, G. Veni. 2023. Potential for mitigation of cave lampenflora
using benzalkonium choride or UVC. Geoheritage 15:68.
http://doi.org/10.1007/s12371-023-00839-4 -
Warr, O., C.J. Ballentine, T.C. Onstott, D.M. Nisson, T.L. Kieft, D.J. Hillegonds, B. Sherwood Lollar. 2022 86Kr excess and other noble gases identify a billion-year-old radiogenically-enriched groundwater system. Nature Communications 13:3768. http://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-31412-2
- Kminik, G., J.N. Benardini, F.E. Brenker, T. Brooks,4 A.S. Burton, S. Dhaniyala, J.P. Dworkin, C. Fortman, M. Glamoclija, M.M. Grady, H.V. Graham, J. Haruyama, T.L. Kieft, M. Koopmans, F.M. McCubbin, M.A. Meyer, C. Mustin, T.C. Onstott, N. Pearce, L.M. Pratt, M.A. Sephton, S. Siljestro, H. Sugahara, S. Suzuki, Y. Suzuki, M. van Zuilen, and M. Viso. COSPAR Sample Safety Assessment Framework (SSAF). Astrobiology. 22, Supplement, S-186–S-216 DOI: 10.1089/ast.2022.0017
- Kieft, T.L. 2022. Beneath shaky ground: deep life at Koyna, India. Environmental Microbiology. 24:2612-2614. http://doi.org/10.1111/1462-2920.15866
- Kieft, T.L., E. Byrd, and G. Veni. 2022. Toxicological study of fluorescent hydrologic tracer dye effects on cave bacteria. Groundwater. 60:404-409. http://doi.org/10.1111/gwat.13160
- Li, L., S. Wei, B. Sherwood Lollar, B. Wing, T.H. Bui, S. Ono, M.C.Y. Lau Vetter, T.C. Onstott, T.L. Kieft, G. Borgonie, B. Linage-Alvarez, O. Kuloyo, and E. van Heerden. 2021 In situ oxidation of sulfide minerals supports widespread sulfate reducing bacteria in the deep subsurface of the Witwatersrand Basin (South Africa): insights from multiple sulfur and oxygen isotopes.Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 577:117247. doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117247
- Harris, R.L., M.C.Y. Lau Vetter, E. van Heerden, E. Cason, J.G. Vermeulin, A. Taneja, T.L. Kieft, C.J. DeCosta, G. Laevsky, T.C. Onstott. 2022. FISH-TAMB, a fixation-free mRNA fluorescent labeling technique, to target transcriptionally active members in a microbial community. Microbial Ecology. 84:182-197. doi.org/10.1007/s00248-021-01809-5
- Hettiarachchi, E. Ivanov, T.L. Kieft, H. Goldstein, B. Moskowitz, R. Reynolds, G. Rubasinghege. Atmospheric processing of iron-bearing mineral-dust aerosol and its effect on growth of a marine diatom, Cyclotella meneghiniana. Environmental Science & Technology. 55:871−881. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.0c06995
- Havlena, Z., Kieft, T.L., Veni, G, Horrocks, R.D., and Jones, D.S. Lighting effects on the development and diversity of photosynthetic biofilm communities in Carlsbad Cavern, New Mexico. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 87:e02695-20 DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02695-20.
- Warr, O., T. Giunta, T.C. Onstott, T.L. Kieft, R.L. Harris, D.M. Nisson. B. Sherwood Lollar. The role of low-temperature 18O exchange in the isotopic evolution of deep subsurface fluids. Chemical Geology. 561:120027. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.120027
- Purtschert, R., R. Yokochi, W. Jiang, Z.-T. Lu, P. Mueller, J. Zappala, E. van Heerden, , E. Cason, M.C.Y. Lau, T.L. Kieft, C. Gerber C, M.S. Brennwald, and T.C. Onstott, C. Underground production of 81Kr detected in subsurface fluids. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta. 295:65-79. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2020.11.024
- B.L. Carrier, D.W. Beaty, M.A. Meyer, J.G. Blank, L. Chou, S. DasSarma, D.J. Des Marais, J.L. Eigenbrode, N. Grefenstette, N.L. Lanza, A.C. Schuerger, P. Schwendner, H.D. Smith, C.R. Stoker, J.D. Tarnas, K.D. Webster, C. Bakermans, B.K. Baxter, M.S. Bell, S.A. Benner, H.H. Bolivar Torres, P.J. Boston, R. Bruner, B.C. Clark, P. DasSarma, A.E. Engelhart, Z.E. Gallegos, Z.K. Garvin, P.J. Gasda, J.H. Green, R.L. Harris, M.E. Hoffman, T. Kieft, A.H.D. Koeppel, P.A. Lee, X. Li, K.L. Lynch, R. Mackelprang, P.R. Mahaffy, L.H. Matthies, M.A. Nellessen, H.E. Newsom, D.E. Northup, B.R.W. O’Connor, S.M. Perl, R.C. Quinn, L.A. Rowe, B. Sauterey, M.A. Schneegurt, D. Schulze-Makuch, L.A. Scuderi, M.N. Spilde, V. Stamenkovic ́, J.A. Torres Celis, D. Viola, B.D. Wade, C.J. Walker, R.C. Wiens, A.J. Williams, J.M. Williams, and J. Xu. 2020. Mars Extant Life: What’s Next? Conference Report. Astrobiology 20:785-813. DOI: 10.1089/ast.2020.223
- Sheik, C.S., H.J. Cleaves, K. Johnson-Finn, D. Giovannelli, T.L. Kieft, D. Papineau, M.O. Schrenk, and S. Tumiati. Abiotic and biotic processes that drive carboxylation and decarboxylation reactions. American Mineralogist. 105:609-615. DOI: 10.2138/am-2020-7166CC-BY-NC-ND.
Heard, A.W., O. Warr, G. Borgonie, B. Linage, O. Kuloyo, J.W. Fellowes, C. Magnabosco, M.C.Y. Lau, M. Erasmus, E.D. Cason, E van Heerden, T.L. Kieft, J.C. Mabry, T.C. Onstott, B. Sherwood Lollar, and C.J. Ballentine. 2018. South African crustal fracture fluids preserve paleometeoric water signatures for up to tens of millions of years. Chemical Geology 493: 379-395, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.06.011.
- Magnabosco, C., L.-H. Lin, H. Dong, M. Bomberg, W. Ghiorse, H. Stan-Lotter, K. Pedersen, T.L. Kieft, E. van Heerden, and T.C. Onstott. 2018. The biomass and biodiversity of the continental subsurface. Nature Geoscience 11:707–717. doi: 10.1038/s41561-018-0221-6.
Shotwell, R.F., L.E. Hays, D.W. Beaty, Y. Goreva, T.L. Kieft, M.T. Mellon, G. Moridis, L.D. Peterson, and N. Spycher. 2019. Can an off-nominal landing by an MMRTG-powered spacecraft induce a Special Region on Mars when no ice is present?. Astrobiology. 19. DOI: 10.1089/ast.2017.1688
- Magnabosco, C, P. Timmers, Peer, M. Lau, G. Borgonie, B. Linage-Alvarez, O. Kuloyo, R. Alleva, Rose, Kieft T, G. Slater, E. van Heerden, B. Sherwood Lollar, T. Onstott. 2018. Fluctuations in populations of subsurface methane oxidizers in coordination with changes in electron acceptor availability. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 94: article no. fiy089, doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiy089.
- Kieft, T.L., C.C. Walters, M.B. Higgins, A.S. Mennito, C.F. M. Clewett, V. Heuer, M.J. Pullin, S. Hendrickson, E. van Heerden, B. Sherwood Lollar, M.C.Y. Lau, T.C. Onstott. 2018. Dissolved organic matter compositions in 0.6–3.4 km deep fracture waters, Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa. Organic Geochemistry 118: 116-131. doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2018. 02.003.
- Kieft, T.L. 2017. New allometric scaling laws revealed for microorganisms. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 32:400-402. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2017.02.017
- Lau, M.C.Y., T.L. Kieft, O. Kuloyo, B. Linage-Alvarez, E. van Heerden, M.R. Lindsay, C. Magnabosco, W. Wang, J.B. Wiggins, L. Guo, D.H. Perlman, S.Kyin, H.H. Shwe, R.L. Harris, Y. Oh, M.J. Yi, R. Purtschert, G.F. Slater, S. Ono, S. Wei, L. Li, B. Sherwood Lollar, and T.C. Onstott. 2016. Oligotrophic deep subsurface community dependent on syntrophy is dominated by sulfur-driven autotrophic denitrifiers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 113:E7927-E7936. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1612244113.
- Magnabosco, C., K. Ryan, M.C.Y. Lau, K. Olukayode, B. Sherwood Lollar, T.L. Kieft, E. van Heerden, and T.C. Onstott. 2016. A metagenomic window into carbon metabolism at 3 km depth in Precambrian continental crust. ISME Journal 10:730-741,doi:10.1038/ismej.2015.150.
- Simkus, D.N., G.F. Slater, B. Sherwood Lollar, K.Wilkie,, T.L. Kieft, C. Magnabosco, M.C.Y. Lau, M.J. Pullin, S.B. Hendrickson, K.E.Wommack, E.G. Sakowski, E.van Heerden, O. Kuloyo, B. Linage, G. Borgonie, T.C. Onstott. 2016. Variations in microbial carbon sources and cycling in the deep continental subsurface. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 173:264-283. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2015.10.003
- Simkus, D.N., G.F. Slater, B. Sherwood Lollar, K.Wilkie,, T. Magnabosco, C., K. Ryan, M.C.Y. Lau, K. Olukayode, B. Sherwood Lollar, T.L. Kieft, E. van Heerden, and T.C. Onstott. A metagenomic window into carbon metabolism at 3 km depth in Precambrian continental crust. ISME Journal doi:10.1038/ismej.2015.150 (in press).
- Kieft, T.L., and K.A. Simmons. 2015. Allometry of animal-microbe interactions and global census of animal-associated microbes. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 282 20150702; doi: 10.1098/rspb.2015.0702.Published 24 June 2015.
- Kieft, T.L., T.C. Onstott, L. Ahonen, V. Aloisi, F.S. Colwell, B. Engelen, S. Fendrihan, E. Gaidos, U. Harms, I Head, J. Kallmeyer, B. Kiel Reese, L.-H. Lin, P.E. Long, H. Mills, D.P. Moser, P. Sar, D. Schulze-Makuch, H. Stan-Lotter, D. Wagner, P.-L. Wang, F. Westall, and M.J. Wilkins. 2015. Workshop to develop deep life continental scientific drilling projects. Scientific Drilling 19, 43-53
- Labonté, J.M., E.K. Field, M. Lau, D. Chivian, E. Van Heerden, K.E. Wommack, T.L. Kieft, T.C. Onstott, R. Stepanauskas. 2015. Single cell genomics indicates horizontal gene transfer and viral infections in a deep subsurface Firmicutes population. Frontiers in Microbiology 6:349, pp. 1-11, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00349.
- Magnabosco, C., M. Tekere, M.C.Y. Lau, B. Linage, O. Kuloyo, M. Erasmus, E. Cason, E. van Heerden, G. Borgonie, T.L. Kieft, T.C. Onstott. 2014. Comparisons of the composition and biogeographic distribution of the bacterial communities occupying South African thermal springs with those inhabiting deep subsurface fracture water. Frontiers in Microbiology Vol. 5, article 679, pp. 1-17, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00679
- Lau, M.C.Y., C. Cameron, C. Magnabosco, C .T. Brown, F.Schilkey, S. Grim, S. Hendrickson, M. Pullin, B. Sherwood Lollar, E. van Heerden, T.L. Kieft, T.C. Onstott. 2014. Phylogeny and phylogeography of functional genes shared among seven terrestrial subsurface metagenomes reveal N-cycling and microbial evolutionary relationships. Frontiers in Microbiology Vol. 5, article 531, 1-17.
- Rummel, J.D., D.W. Beaty, M.A. Jones, C. Bakermans, N.G. Barlow, P. Boston, V. Chevrier, B.C. Clark, J-P. de Vera, R.V. Gough, J.E. Hallsworth, J.W. Head, V.J. Hipkin, T.L. Kieft, A.S. McEwen, M.T. Mellon, J. Mikucki, W.L. Nicholson, C.R. Omelon, R. Peterson, E. Roden, B. Sherwood Lollar, K.L. Tanaka, D. Viola, and J.J. Wray, A New Analysis of Mars 'Special Regions': Findings of the Second MEPAG Special Regions Science Analysis Group (SR-SAG2). Astrobiology 14(11): 887-968.
- Wilkins M.J., R. Daly, P.J. Mouser, R. Trexler, K.C Wrighton, S. Sharma, D.R. Cole, J.F. Biddle, E. Denis, J.K. Fredrickson, T.L. Kieft, T.C Onstott, L. Petersen, S.M. Pfiffner, T. J. Phelps, M.O. Schrenk. 2014. Trends and Future Challenges in Sampling the Deep Terrestrial Biosphere. Frontiers in Microbiology 5:481.
- Onstott, T.C., C. Magnabosco, A.D. Aubrey, A.S. Burton, J.P. Dworkin, J.E. Elsila, S. Grunsfeld, B.H. Cao, J.E. Hein, D.P. Glavin, T.L. Kieft, B.J. Silver, T.J. Phelps, E. van Heerden, D.J. Opperman, J.L. Bada. 2014. Does Aspartic Acid Racemization Constrain the Depth Limit of the Subsurface Biosphere? Geobiology 12:1-19.
- Davidson, M.M., B.J. Silver, T.C. Onstott, D.P. Moser, T.M. Gihring, L.M. Pratt, E.A. Boice, B. Sherwood Lollar, J. Lippmann-Pipke, S.M. Pfiffner, T.L. Kieft, W. Seymore, and C. Ralston. 2011. Capture of Planktonic Microbial Diversity in Fractures by Long-Term Monitoring of Flowing Boreholes, Evander Basin, South. Geomicrobiology Journal 28:275-300.
- Kminek, G., J.D. Rummel, C.S. Cockell , R. Atlas, N. Barlow, D. Beaty, W. Boynton, M. Carr, S. Clifford, C.A. Conley, A.F. Davila, A. Debus, P. Doran, M. Hecht, J. Heldmann, J. Helbert, V. Hipkin, G. Horneck, T.L. Kieft, G. Klingelhoefer, M. Meyer, H. Newsom, G.G. Ori, J. Parnell, D. Prieur, F. Raulin, D. Schulze- Makuch, J.A. Spry, P.E. Stabekis, E. Stackebrandt, J. Vago, M. Viso, M. Voytek, L. Wells, F. Westall. 2010. Report of the COSPAR mars special regions colloquium. Advances in Space Research 46:811-829.
- Tang, H., P. Zhang, T.L. Kieft, S.J. Ryan, S.M. Baker, W.P. Wiesmann, S. Rogelj. 2010. Antibacterial action of a novel functionalized chitosan-arginine against gram-negative bacteria. Acta Biomaterialia 6:2562-2571.
- Silver, B.J., T.C. Onstott, G. Rose, L.-H., Lin, C. Ralston, B. Sherwood-Lollar, S. M. Pfiffner, T. L. Kieft, and S. McCuddy. 2010. In situ cultivation of subsurface microorganisms in a deep mafic sill: implications for SLiMEs. Geomicrobiology Journal 27:329-348.
- Sahl, J.W., R. Schmidt, E.D. Swanner, K.W. Mandernack, A.S. Templeton, T.L. Kieft, R.L. Smith, W.E. Sanford, R.L. Calllaghan, J.B. Mitton, and J.R. Spear. 2008. Subsurface microbial diversity in deep- granitic-fracture water in Colorado. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74:143-152.
- MEPAG Special Regions Science Analysis Group (Beaty D., K. Buxbaum, M. Meyer, N. Barlow,
W. Boynton, B. Clark, J. Deming, P. Doran, K. Edgett, S. Hancock, J. Head, M. Hecht,
V. Hipkin, T. Kieft, R. Mancinelli, E.
McDonald, C. McKay, M. Mellon, H. Newsom, G. Ori, D. Paige, A. Schuerger, M. Sogin, J. A. Spry, A. Steele, K. Tanaka, M. Voytek). 2006. Findings of the Mars Special Regions Science Analysis Group. Astrobiology 6:677-732. - Kieft, T. L., and D. P. Moser. 2006. Special issue on geomicrobiology of the deep biosphere - Preface. Geomicrobiology Journal 23:34
- Gihring, T., Moser DP, Lin L-H, Davidson M., Onstott TC, Morgan L, Milleson M., Kieft TL, Trimarco E, Balkwill DL, Dollhopf ME. The distribution of microbial taxa in the subsurface water of the Kalahari Shield, South Africa. Geomicrobiology Journal.
- Onstott, T.C., L.-H. Lin, M. Davidson, B. Mislowac, M. Borcsik, J. Hall, G. Slater, J. Ward, B. Sherwood Lollar, J. Lippmann-Pipke, E. Boice, L. Pratt, B. S. Pfiffner, D. Moser, T. Gihring, T.L. Kieft, T.J. Phelps, E van Heerden, D. Litthauer, M. DeFlaun, and R. Rothmel. The origin and age of biogeochemical trends in deep fracture water of the Witwatersrand basin, South Africa. Geomicrobiology Journal.
- Shen, H., S. Rogelj, and T. Kieft. Sensitive, real-time PCR detects low-levels of contamination by Legionella pneumophila in commercial reagents. Molecular and Cellular Probes 20:147-153.
- Allen, R. C., S. Rogelj, and T. L. Kieft. 2006. An Immuno-PCR method for detecting Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac toxin. Journal of Immunological Methods 308:109-115.
- Kieft, T.L., S.M. McCuddy, T.C. Onstott, L.-H. Lin, M. Davidson, B. Mislowac, L. Pratt, E. Boice, B. Sherwood-Lollar, L.-H. Lin, J. Lippmann, S.M. Pfiffner, T.J. Phelps, T. Gihring, D. Moser, and A. van Heerden. 2005. Geochemically generated, energy-rich substrates and indigenous microorganisms in deep, ancient groundwater. Geomicrobiology Journal 22:325-335.
- Fu, Z., S. Rogelj, and T. L. Kieft. Detection of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 by immuno-magnetic separation and real-time PCR. International Journal of Food Microbiology 99:47-57.
- Rutz, B. and T. L. Kieft. 2004. Phylogenetic characterization of dwarf archaea and bacteria from a semiarid soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36:825-833.
- Balkwill, D. L., T. L. Kieft, T. Tsukuda, H. M. Kostandarithes, T. C. Onstott, S. Macnaughton, J. Bownas, and J.K. Fredrickson. 2004. Identification of iron-reducing Thermus strains as T. scotoductus. Extremophiles 8:37-44.
- Lehman, R. M., S. P. O'Connell, A. Banta, J. K. Fredrickson, A.-L. Reysenbach, T. L. Kieft, and F. S. Colwell. 2004. Microbiological comparison of core and groundwater samples collected from a fractured basalt aquifer with that of dialysis chambers incubated in situ. Geomicrobiology Journal 21:169-182.
- Onstott, T. C., D. P. Moser, S. M. Pfiffner, J. K. Fredrickson, F.J. Brockman, T. J. Phelps, D. C. White, A. Peacock, D. Balkwill, R. Hoover, L. R. Krumholz, M. Borscik, T. L. Kieft, and R. Wilson. 2003. Indigenous and introduced microorganisms in rock samples from a deep gold mine. Environ. Microbiol. 5:1168-1191.
- Liang, H., S. E. Cordova, T. L. Kieft, and S. Rogelj. 2003. Development of an immuno-PCR assay to detect Group A Streptococcus. J. Immunol. Methods 279:101-10.
- Oliver, D. S., F. J. Brockman, R. S. Bowman, and T. L. Kieft. 2003. Microbial Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium under Vadose Zone Conditions. Journal of Environmental Quality 32:317-324.
- Ayarbe, J. P., and T. L. Kieft. 2000. Mammal mounds stimulate microbial activity in a semiarid shrubland. Ecology 81:1150-1154.
- Allen. C. C., F. G. Albert, H. S. Chafetz, J. Combie, C. R. Graham, T. L. Kieft, S. J. Kivett, D. S. McKay, A. Steele, A. E. Taunton, M. R. Taylor, K. L. Thomas-Keprta, and F. Westall. 2000. Physical biomarkers in carbonate thermal springs: implications for Mars. Icarus 147:49-67.
- Kieft, T. L., J. K. Fredrickson, T. C. Onstott, Y. A. Gorby, H. M. Kostandarithes, T. J. Bailey, D. W. Kennedy, S.W. Li, A. Plymale, C. M. Spadoni, and M. S. Gray. 1999. Dissimilatory reduction of Fe(III) and other electron acceptors by a Thermus isolate. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 65:1214-1221.
- Walvoord, M. A., F. Phillips, T. L. Kieft, J. K. Fredrickson, P. Pegram, and M. Person. 1999. Groundwater flow and geochemistry in the southeastern San Juan Basin: implications for microbial transport and activity. Water Resources Research 35:1409-1424.
- Kieft, T. L., E. M. Murphy, D. L. Haldeman, P. S. Amy, B. N. Bjornstadt, E. V. McDonald, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, J. O. Stair, R. P. Griffiths, T. C. Gsell, W. E. Holben, and D. R. Boone. 1998. Microbial transport, survival, and succession in a sequence of buried sediments. Microbial Ecology 36:336-348.
- Onstott, T. C., T. J. Phelps, F. S. Colwell, D. Ringelberg, D. C. White, D. R. Boone, J. P. McKinley, T. O. Stevens, P. E. Long, D. L. Balkwill, T. Griffin, and T. Kieft. 1998. Observations pertaining to the origin and ecology of microorganisms recovered from the deep subsurface of Taylorsville Basin, Virginia. Geomicrobiology Journal 15:353-385.
- Kieft, T. L., C. S. White, S. R. Loftin, R. Aguilar, J. R. Craig, and J. A. Skaar. 1998. Temporal dynamics in soil carbon and nitrogen resources at a grassland-shrubland ecotone. Ecology 79:671-683.
- Brockman, F. J., S. W. Li, J. K. Fredrickson, D. B. Ringelberg, T. L. Kieft, C. M. Spadoni, D. C. White, and J. P. McKinley. 1998. Post-sampling changes in microbial community composition and activity in a subsurface paleosol. Microbial Ecology 36:152-164.
- Kieft, T. L., W. P. Kovacik, Jr., D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, D. L. Haldeman, P. S. Amy, and L. E. Hersman. 1997. Factors limiting to microbial growth and activity at a proposed high-level nuclear repository, Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 63:3128-3133.
- Kieft, T. L., E. Wilch, K. O'Connor, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1997. Survival and phospholipid fatty acid profiles of surface and subsurface bacteria in natural sediment microcosms. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 63:1531-1542.
- Kieft, T. L., J. K. Fredrickson, J. P. McKinley, B. N. Bjornstad, S. A. Rawson, T. J. Phelps, F. J. Brockman, and S. M. Pfiffner. 1995. Microbiological Comparisons within and across Contiguous Lacustrine, Paleosol, and Fluvial Subsurface Sediments. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61:749-757.
- Kieft, T. L., D. B. Ringelberg and D. C. White. 1994. Changes in ester-linked phospholipid fatty acid profiles of subsurface bacteria during starvation and desiccation in a porous medium. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 60:3292-3299.
- Kieft, T. L. 1994. Grazing and plant canopy effects on semiarid soil microbial biomass and respiration. Biology and Fertility of Soils 18:155-162.
- Brown, R. L., R. S. Bowman and T. L. Kieft. 1994. Microbial effects on nickel and cadmium sorption and transport in volcanic tuff. Journal of Environmental Quality 28:723-729.
- Fredrickson, J. K., F. J. Brockman, B. N. Bjornstad, P. E. Long, S. W. Li, J. P. McKinley, J. L. Conca, T. L. Kieft and D. L. Balkwill. 1994. Microbiological characteristics of pristine and contaminated deep vadose sediments from an arid region. Geomicrobiology Journal 11:95-107.
- Wan, J., J. L. Wilson and T. L. Kieft. 1994. Influence of the gas-water interface on transport of microorganisms through unsaturated porous media. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 60:509-516.
- Kieft, T. L., P. S. Amy, B. N. Bjornstad, F. J. Brockman, J. K. Fredrickson and L. L. Rosacker. 1993. Microbial Abundance and Activities in Relation to Water Potential in the Vadose Zones of Arid and Semiarid Sites. Microbial Ecology 26:59-78.
- Ashworth, E. N. and T. L. Kieft. 1992. Measurement of ice nucleation in lichens using thermal analysis. Cryobiology 29:400-406.
- Kieft, T. L. and T. Ruscetti. 1992. Molecular sizes of lichen ice nucleation sites determined by gamma radiation inactivation analysis. Cryobiology 29:407-413.
- Brockman, F. J., T. L. Kieft, J. K. Fredrickson, B. N. Bjornstad, S. W. Li, W. Spangenburg and P. E. Long. 1992. Microbiology of Vadose Zone Paleosols in South-Central Washington State. Microbial Ecology 23:279-301.
- Kieft, T. L. and S. D. Spence. 1988. Osmoregulation in Thiobacillus ferrooxidans: stimulation of iron oxidation by proline and betaine under salt stress. Current Microbiology 17:255-258
- Kieft, T. L. 1988. Ice nucleation activity in lichens. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 54:1678-1681
- Kieft, T. L. and V. Ahmadjian. 1989. Biological ice nucleation in lichen mycobionts and photobionts. The Lichenologist 21:355-362.
- Kieft, T. L. and T. Ruscetti. 1990. Characterization of biological ice nuclei from a lichen. Journal of Bacteriology 172:3519-3523.
- Rosacker, L. L. and T. L. Kieft. 1991. Biomass and adenylate energy charge of a grassland soil during drying. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 22:1121-1127.
- Kieft, T. L. and L. L. Rosacker. 1991. Application of respiration- and adenylate-based soil microbiological assays to deep subsurface terrestrial sediments. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 23:563-568.
- Kieft, T. L., E. Soroker and M. K. Firestone. 1987. Microbial biomass response to a rapid increase in water potential when dry soil is wetted. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 19:119-126
- Kieft, T. L. and D. E. Caldwell. 1984. Chemostat and in situ colonization kinetics of Thermothrix thiopara on calcite and pyrite surfaces. Geomicrobiology Journal 3:217-229.
- Kieft, T. L. and D. E. Caldwell. 1983. A computer simulation of surface microcolony formation during microbial colonization. Microbial Ecology 9:7-16.
- Caldwell, D. E., T. L. Kieft and D. K. Brannan. 1984. Colonization of sulfide-oxygen interfaces on hot springs tufa by Thermothrix thiopara. Geomicrobiology Journal 3:181-200.
- Kieft, T. L. and D. E. Caldwell. 1984. Weathering of calcite, pyrite, and sulfur by Thermothrix thiopara in a thermal spring. Geomicrobiology Journal 3:201-216.
- Caldwell, Douglas E., Malone, James A., Kieft, Thomas L. 1983. Derivation of a Growth Rate Equation Describing Microbial Surface Colonization. Microbial Ecology 9:1-6.
- Caldwell, D. E., J. Malone, and T. L. Kieft. 1983. An equation for quantifying microbial colonization of surfaces. Microbial Ecology 9:1-6.
- Kieft, T. L. 1995. Review of Biodegradation and Bioremediation, by Martin Alexander. Journal of Environmental Quality 24 (3).
- Kieft, T. L. 1991. "For ecologists and 'E. coli-gists'," [Review of Bacterial Genetics in Natural Environments by J. C. Fry and M. J. Day]. Trends in Genetics 7:236-237.
- Kieft, T.L. Microbiology of the deep continental biosphere. Ch. 6 In:Volume 1 of Advances in Environmental Microbiology "Their World: a diversity of environments" (editor: Christon J. Hurst), Springer, New York. (in press)
- Kieft, T.L. Sampling the subsurface. In: Hydrocarbons and Lipid Microbiology (editors: Terence J. McGenity, Kenneth M. Timmis, Balbina Nogales) Springer Protocols Handbooks. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. (in press)
- Kieft, T.L. 2010. Sampling the deep sub-surface using drilling and coring techniques. pp. 3427-3441, In: Microbiology of Hydrocarbons and Lipids. K.N. Timmis (Ed.), Springer Verlag, Berlin.
- Kieft, T. L., Phelps, T. J., and J. K. Fredrickson. 2007. Drilling, coring, and sampling subsurface environments. pp. 799-817, In: Manual of Environmental Microbiology, Third Edition. Hurst, C.J. (Ed.), ASM Press, Washington, DC.
- Horsfield, B., Kieft, T. L., Amann, H., Franks, S. G., Kallmeyer, J., Mangelsdorf, K., Parkes, R. J., Wagner, D., Wilkes, H., Zink, K.-G. 2007. The GeoBiosphere. pp. 163-211. In: U. Harms, C. Koeberl and M. D. Zoback (Eds.) Continental Scientific Drilling. A Decade of Progress, and Challenges for the Future. Springer Verlag, Berlin.
- Kieft, T.L. 2002. Hot Desert Soil Communities. pp. 1576-1586. In: Encyclopedia of Environmental Microbiology, G. Bitton (Ed.)., John Wiley, NY.
- Kieft, T.L. 2002. Microbial Starvation Survival in Subsurface Environments. pp. 2019-2028. In: Encyclopedia of Environmental Microbiology, G. Bitton (Ed.) John Wiley, NY.
- Brockman, F.J., S.N. Bradley, and T. L. Kieft. 2002. Vadose Zone Microbiology. pp. 3236-3246. In: Encyclopedia of Environmental Microbiology, G. Bitton (Ed.) John Wiley, NY.
- Kieft, T. L., and F. J. Brockman. Vadose zone microbiology. 2001. pp. 141-169. In: Subsurface Microbiology and Biogeochemistry. J. K. Fredrickson and M. Fletcher (Eds.), John Wiley & Sons, New York.
- Kieft, T. L. 2000. Size matters: dwarf cells in soil and subsurface terrestrial environments. Ch. 3, pp. 19-46. In: Non-culturable Microorganisms in the Environment. R. R. Colwell and D. J. Grimes (Eds.), American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC.
- Onstott, T. C., T. J. Phelps, T. L. Kieft, F. S. Colwell, D. L. Balkwill., J. K. Fredrickson, and F. J. Brockman. 1999. A global perspective on the microbial abundance and activity in the deep subsurface. Ch. 38 pp. 489-500. In: Enigmatic Microorganisms and Life in Extreme Environments. J. Seckbach (Ed.), Kluwer Publications.
- Kieft, T. L., and T. J. Phelps. 1997. Life in the slow lane: Activities of microorganisms in the subsurface. Ch. 12. pp. 137-163. In: The Microbiology of the Terrestrial Subsurface. P. S. Amy and D. L. Haldeman (Eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton.
- Ashworth, E. N., and T. L. Kieft. 1995. Ice nucleation activity associated with plants and fungi. pp. 137-162. In: Biological Ice Nucleation and its Applications. R. E. Lee, G. Warren, and L. V. Gusta, (Eds.), Amer. Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
- Kieft, T. L. 1991. Soil microbiology in reclamation of arid and semi-arid lands. pp. 209-256. In: Semiarid Lands and Deserts: Soil Resource and Reclamation. J. Skugins (Ed.), Marcel Dekker, New York.Kieft, T.L. 2002.
- Kieft, T. L. 1992. Increasing nucleation activity with lichens and fungi. Patent N
- Pfiffner, S. M., K. L. Davis, T. J. Phelps, T. L. Kieft, T. M. Gihring, T. C. Onstott, B. Nthangeru, L. Piater, and E. van Heerden. Research Experience for Undergraduates: An International Program Enhancing Interdisciplinary Learning. American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, December, 2004.
- Kieft, T. L. Life in the Deep Biosphere. Physics Department, University of Minnesota, December 4, 2004 (Invited talk).
- Kieft, T. L. Microbial Life in the Deepest Regions of the Earth's Biosphere. Session Organizer and Convener. Amer. Soc. Microbiol. General Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 2004.
- Wanger, G., T. L. Kieft, and G. Southam. Burrowing Behavior Exhibited by a Thermus sp. utilizing ferric hydroxides as an electron acceptor. Amer. Soc. Microbiol. General Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 2004.
- Pfiffner, S. M., K. L. Davis, T. J. Phelps, T. L. Kieft, T. C. Onstott, and E.van Heerden. Use of Group Research Teams to Enhance Interdisciplinary Learning During an International Research Experience for Undergraduates. Amer. Soc. Microbiol. General Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 2004.
- Mislowack, B. J., T. Onstott, L.-H. Lin, G. Rose, C. Ralston, B. Sherwood-Lollar, S. M. Pfiffner, T. L. Kieft, S. McCuddy. In Situ Cultivation of Deep Subsurface Microorganisms in a Mafic Sill: Implications for SLiME's. Amer. Soc. Microbiol. General Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 2004.
- Moser, D. P., T. M. Gihring, J. K. Fredrickson, F. J. Brockman, T. C. Onstott, L.-H. Lin, B. Mislowak, M. Davidson, D. L. Balkwill, M. E. Dollhopf, S. McCuddy, M. M. Milleson, T. L. Kieft, J. A. Hall. A Comprehensive Phylogenetic Analysis of Microbial Communities from the Ultradeep Mines of South Africa. Amer. Soc. Microbiol. General Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 2004.
- Liang, H., S. Cordova, R. Silva, Z. Fu, S. Rogelj, T. L. Kieft, D. Chandler, C. Bruckner-Lea, M. S. Bogucki, T. Roberts, L. A. Pranger, and W. P. Weismann. Immunological and Nucleic-Acid Based Detection of Threat Agents: From Lab Bench to Automated Platform. The International Symposium on Securing High Consequence Pathogens and Toxins. Albuquerque, NM, February 1-6, 2004.
- Kieft, T. L. Life in the Deep Biosphere. Biological Sciences Department, Idaho State
University, Pocatello, ID, December 4, 2003 (Invited talk).
Kieft, T. L. Life in the Deep Biosphere. Hydrology Program, New Mexico Tech, November 24, 2003 (Invited talk). - Silva, R. C. S. Rogelj, and T. L. Kieft. An immuno-PCR method for detecting Bacillusthuringiensis Cry1Ac toxin. General Meeting, American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC, May 2003.
- Fu, Z., S. Rogelj, T. L. Kieft, Detection and Quantification of Escherichia coli O157:H7 by Immuno-magnetic Separation and Real-time PCR, General Meeting, American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC, May 2003.
- Nolan, J. R., S. M. Pfiffner, K. L. Davis, T. J. Phelps, K. M. Coleman, T. L. Kieft, E. van Heerden, and D. Litthauer. U.S./South African Undergraduate Education and Research Workshop. General Meeting, American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC, May 2003.
- Shutthanandan, J., X. Yin, G. Drake, D.S. Oliver, T.L. Kieft, D.L. Balkwill, and F.J. Brockman. Differential community structure in vadose zone microcosms supporting and not supporting chromium reduction during bioremediation. General Meeting, American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC, May 2003.
- Kieft, T. L. Life in the Deep Biosphere, Biology Department, University of New Mexico, April 17, 2003 (Invited talk).
- Huining Liang, Susan Cordova, Rebekah Silva, Zhu Fu, Snezna Rogelj, Thomas L. Kieft, Darrell Chandler, and Cindy Bruckner-Lea, Mary S. Bogucki, Tara Roberts, L. Alex Pranger, and William P. Weismann. A flexible platform for rapid, automated immunological and nucleic-acid based detection of biological threat agents. American Society for Microbiology Biodefense Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 2003.
- Kieft, T. L., and B. Rutz. Intrinsically and pleomorphically dwarf bacteria and archaea in a semiarid soil. NASA Astrobiology Institute General Meeting, Tempe, AZ, Feb. 10-12, 2003.
- Onstott, T.C. and the Witwatersrand Deep Microbiology Team. Nuclear-powered deep subsurface communities? AAAS Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, February 13-18, 2003.
- Kieft, T. L., Microbial Diversity in Deep Gold Mine Samples, Assessed by 16S rDNA Analyses. The Second US/SA workshop on Biotechnological Applications of Deep Subsurface Microbial Investigations. December 16, 2002, Pretoria, South Africa. (Invited talk).
- Mislowack, B. J., Tullis C. Onstott, Li-hung Lin, Mark A. Davidson, Thomas J. Pray, Colin Ralston, Peter Roberts, Tom L. Kieft, Tommy J. Phelps. In-situ Microbial Cultivation in a South African Gold Mine. American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, December 6-10, 2002.
- Kieft, T. L. Life in the Deep Biosphere. University of Washington Astrobiology Program, Seattle, WA. October 8, 2002 (Invited talk).
- Kieft, T. L. Life in the Deep Biosphere. University of the North, Pietersburg, South Africa, June 20, 2002 (Invited talk).
- Kieft, T. L. Life in the Deep Biosphere. New Mexico Museum of Space History, Alamogordo, NM, April 9, 2002 (Invited talk).
- Liang, H., T. Kieft, and S. Rogelj. Development of an immuno-PCR assay to detect Group A Stretococcus. American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, Salt Lake City, May 2002.
- Shen, H., K. Ar., S. Rogelj, and T.L. Kieft. Quantitative detection of Legionella pneumophila in swamp coolers and domestic water supplies. American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, Salt Lake City, May 2002.
- Rutz, B. and T. L. Kieft. Intrinsically and pleomorphically dwarf bacteria and archaea in a semiarid soil. American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, Salt Lake City, May 19-23, 2002.
- Fu, Z., S. Rogelj, and T. Kieft. Detection and identification of pathogenic bacteria by cell adsorption and real-time PCR. Rio Grande Branch American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting, El Paso, TX, Feb. 2002.
- Anbar, A. D., R. Buick, S. Mojzsis, A.J. Kaufman, T.L. Kieft, T.W. Lyons, and M. Humayun. 2001. The case for scientific drilling of precambrian sedimentary sequences: a mission to early Earth. Geological Society of America annual meeting, November 2001.
- Anbar, A. D., R. Buick, S. Mojzsis, A.J. Kaufman, T.L. Kieft, T.W. Lyons, and M. Humayun. 2001. The case for scientific drilling of precambrian sedimentary sequences: a mission to early Earth. American Geophysical Union meeting, December 2001.
- Brockman, F.J., D.O. Oliver, X. Yin, and T.L. Kieft. Effects of unsaturated flow on hexavalent chromium reduction and 16S rRNA profiles. American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, May 2001.
- Fuierer, A.M., R.S Bowman, M. McHale, B. Rutz, and T.L. Kieft. Biodegradation of toluene sorbed to surfactant-modified zeolite. American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, May 2001.
- Kieft, T. L. Mission to Early Earth: Sample Integrity and Geohydrology. Australian Astrobiology Workshop, July 2001.
- McHale, M., T. L. Kieft, and N. W. Hinman. Archaeal and Bacterial diversity in a moderately acidic thermal iron spring. NASA Astrobiology Institute Meeting, Washington, DC, April 2001.
- McHale, M., T. L. Kieft, and N. W. Hinman. Archaeal and Bacterial diversity in a moderately acidic thermal iron spring. Australian Astrobiology Workshop, July 2001.
- McHale, M., T. L. Kieft, and N. W. Hinman. Archaeal and Bacterial diversity in a moderately acidic thermal iron spring. International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Amsterdam, August 2001.
- Onstott, T.C., D. Moser, L. Lin, K. Takai, J. Fredrickson, F. Brockman, L. Pratt, B. Sherwood-Lollar, J. Hoek, G. Omar, T.L. Kieft, D. Balkwill, S. Pfiffner, T. Phelps, J. Lippman, and M. Stute. Do superplumes select for hyperthermophiles in the deep subsurface? Paper #7398. Symposium on Earth Systems Processes, Geological Society of America and Geological Society of London, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 24-28, 2001.
- Yin, X., D.O. Oliver, T.L. Kieft, and F.J. Brockman. Comparison of the microbial community
under no flow, unsaturated flow, and saturated flow in columns. American Society for
Microbiology Annual Meeting, Miami, FL, May 2001.
Kieft, T. L. The Deep Subsurface Biosphere. NASA Workshop on Extreme Environments, NASA-Ames, Moffett Field, CA, July 24-25, 2001 (Invited).
Kieft, T. L. Mission to Early Earth: sample integrity and geohydrology. Australian Astrobiology Institute Workshop, Sydney, Australia, July 12-13, 2001. - Kieft, T. L. Moisture and Nutrient Limitation of Microbial Activities in Arid and Semiarid Soils. U.S.-Egypt Microbial Ecology Workshop, May 6-11, 2001 (Invited).
- Kieft, T.L., Microbial activities in deep South African Au mines, University of Orange Free State, Bloomfontein, South Africa, June 5, 2001 (Invited).
- Fuierer, A. M., R. S. Bowman, and T. L. Kieft. 2001. Sorption and microbial degradation of toluene on a surfactant-modified zeolite support. Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, June 4-7, 2001, San Diego, CA.
- Fuierer, A. M., R. S. Bowman, and T. L. Kieft. Biodegradation of toluene sorbed to a surfactant-modified zeolite. American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, Orlando, FL, May 2001.
- Brockman, F. J., D. O. Oliver, X. Yin, and T. L. Kieft. Effects of unsaturated flow on hexavalent chromium reduction and 16s rRNA profiles. American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, Orlando, FL, May 2001.
- Yin, X., D. O. Oliver, T. L. Kieft, and F. J. Brockman. Comparison of the microbial community under no flow, unsaturated flow, and saturated flow in columns. American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, Orlando, FL, May 2001.
- McHale, M. T. L. Kieft , and N. W. Hinman. Archaeal and Bacterial diversity in a moderately acidic thermal iron spring. NASA Astrobiology Institute meeting, Washington, DC, April, 2001.
- Kieft, T. L. Vadose Zone Microbiology. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory/University of California, Berkekely, CA, October 31, 2000 (Invited lecture).
- McHale, M. T. L. Kieft , and N. W. Hinman. Archaeal and Bacterial diversity in a moderately acidic thermal iron spring. American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, May 2000.
- Kieft, T. L. Microbial activities in deep vadose zones of arid regions. American Society for Microbiology, Chicago, IL, May 1999 (Invited lecture).
- Onstott, T. C, D.P. Moser, H.Dong, J. K. Fredrickson, F.J. Brockman, T.J. Phelps, S.M. Pfiffner, A. Peacock, D.C. White, S. Macnaughton, F.S. Colwell, D.L. Balkwill, M.F. DeFlaun, T. Kieft, D.R. Boone, A.L. Reysenbach, J. Hoek, G.I. Omar, W.C. Ghiorse G. Southam G. Slater, B. Sherwood-Lollar, S. Kotelnikova, K. Pedersen, L. Pratt, J. Fong, B. Baker, C. Wimpee, B. MacGregor, S. Fishbain, D.A. Stahl, M. Stute, and R. Hoover. The Witwatersrand Deep Microbiology Project: A Window Into the Extreme Environment of Deep Subsurface Microbial Communities. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, December 1999.
- Onstott, T. C., J. K. Fredrickson, T. J. Phelps, D. C. White, F. S. Colwell, D. L. Balkwill, M. F. DeFlaun, T. L. Kieft, D. R. Boone, J. M. Suflita, L. R. Krumholz, and W. T. Griffin. New life in old rocks? A testimony to ten years of subsurface microbiology. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, December 1998.
- Kieft, T. L. Microbial ecology of the vadose zone. Eighth International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. August 9-14, 1998. (Invited lecture).
- Kieft, T. L., J. K. Fredrickson, and T. C. Onstott. Metal reduction by a Thermus sp. isolated from an ultradeep South African gold mine. Eighth International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. August 9-14, 1998.
- Kieft, T. L., J. K. Fredrickson, T. C. Onstott, Y. A. Gorby, T. J. Bailey, D. W. Kennedy, S. W. Li, A. E. Plymale, C. M. Spadoni, M. S. Gray. Dissimilatory Reduction of Fe(III), Mn(IV), and Other Electron Acceptors by a Thermus sp. Isolated from an Ultradeep South African Gold Mine. American Society for Microbiology, Atlanta, GA, May 1998.
- Lehman, R. M., F. S. Colwell, R. Smith, M. Delwiche, J. K. Fredrickson, T. Kieft, T. J. Phelps, and D. C. White. Alteration of the Microbial Ecology of a Fractured Basalt Aquifer by Contaminants. American Society for Microbiology, Atlanta, GA. May 1998.
- Colwell, F., R. Smith, J. K. Fredrickson, J. P. McKinley, R. Lehman, M. Delwiche, T. McLing, T. Kieft, J. Bukowski, and A. Fryar. Biologically active contaminant degradation zones in a basalt aquifer. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 1997.
- Kieft, T. L. One million years of microbial survival and succession in a sequence of buried sediments. University of Montana, Missoula, MT, October 6, 1997. (Invited lecture).
- Kieft, T. L., E. M. Murphy, P. S. Amy, D. L. Haldeman, D. B. Ringelberg. Laboratory and Field evidence for Long-term Starvation Survival of Microorganisms in Subsurface Terrestrial Environments. SPIE Symposium: Instruments, Methods, and Missions for the Investigation of Extraterrestrial Microorganisms, San Diego, CA, 27 July - 1 August, 1997. (Invited lecture).
- Kieft, T. L., D. L. Haldeman, P. S. Amy, E. M. Murphy, B. N. Bjornstadt, E. V. McDonald, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, J. O. Stair, R. P. Griffiths, T. C. Gsell, W. E. Holben, and D. R. Boone. Microbial survival and succession in a sequence of buried sediments during the last 1 million years. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 18, 1996. (Invited lecture).
- Kieft, T. L., D. L. Haldeman, P. S. Amy, E. M. Murphy, B. N. Bjornstadt, E. V. McDonald, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, J. O. Stair, R. P. Griffiths, T. C. Gsell, W. E. Holben, and D. R. Boone. Microbiology of a paleosol chronosequence during the last 200,000 years. International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology, Davos, Switzerland, September 16-20, 1996.
- Kieft, T. L., K. O'Connor, E. Wilch, D. B. Ringelberg and D. C. White.Long-term survival rates and phospholipid fatty acid signature lipids of subsurface microorganisms in sediment microcosms. American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, May 1996.
- Kieft, T. L. Potential for bioremediation of contaminated subsurface environments. Facultad de Ciencias Quimiucas, La Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua. October 6, 1995. (Invited lecture.)
- Kieft, T. L. Microbiology of the deep biosphere. Facultad de Ciencias Quimiucas, La Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua. October 5, 1995. (Invited lecture.)
- Haldeman, D. L., P. S. Amy, T. L. Kieft, W. Spangenberg, D. Ringelberg and D. White. The microbiology of a chronosequence of paleosols from the Channeled Scablands of arid eastern Washington. American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting, May 1995.
- Kieft, T. L. Microbial geriatrics: long-term survival of microorganisms in the subsurface. Department of Biology, Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute. April 1995. (Invited lecture.)
- Kieft, T. L. Subsurface microbial geriatrics. Hydrology Program, New Mexico Tech. November 1994. (Invited lecture.)
- Kieft, T. L. Subsurface Microbiology. Biology Department, Texas Tech University. February 1994. (Invited lecture.)
- Kieft, T. L., P. S. Amy and F. M. Phillips. Origins of subsurface microorganisms: relating laboratory microcosm experiments to a geologic time scale. Second International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology, Bath, England, September 19-24, 1993.
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- thomas kieft
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